www.fintel.org Tuesday, 11th March 2025

A financial publishing company

As a publishing company in the financial services space we have always upheld as a key principle our independence as a member of the 'fourth estate', providing our clients and the communities we serve with a justifiable expectation of independence, balance, and fairness, in addition to our committment to promoting best practices in finance, guided by a scientific approach to knowledge about finance and economics.

Fintel Limited is a publishing company founded in 1987 at a time coinciding with the emergence of the term 'financial services' itself in global use. Since then, the forces of convergence in the sector and within silos in the sector have continued to provide ever evolving challenges and opportunities for our product development and analysis.


Finance Dublin provides a focused monthly analysis of the factors behind the evolution of Ireland's continuously expanding international financial services industry. By providing independent evidence-based commentary on the stories of the financial services industry, its people and businesses, the publication is an educational resource for readers.

The Finance Dublin Yearbook - click here

Aviation Finance, the world-leading fortnightly review of global aircraft financing - 3 p.c. of global GDP. (aviationfinance.aero)

Fintel has produced and run over twenty conferences on financial services subjects including securitisation, Debt Capital markets, Covered Bonds, Financial Shared Services, Treasury, Retail Banking, Investment Funds, Insurance, Aircraft Leasing, International Pensons, and Global Financial Centres.

The Financial Centres Summit, Dublin, 2019 and The Aviation Finance Conference, Dublin, were held in October 15th & 16th, 2019 - Dublin Castle.

FINANCEjobs.ie - the careers and jobs website of Finance-magazine.com & Finance Dublin

FINANCE-magazine.com - Ireland's money and capital markets journal, established in 1987, now an Ireland-focused capital markets website whose print editions are now incorporated in Finance Dublin.

Finance Dublin, and Finance Magazine have, since June 1987, uniquely provided a continuous analysis of finance in Ireland in its monthly publication. It provides the leading monthly analysis and commentary on the evolution of Ireland's international financial services industry, and the competitive provision of finance and financial services in the economy.


Our mission is to deliver information to readers from advertisers that helps their search for better value. This is based on a belief that every transaction involves search costs with the customer paying the monetary cost plus search costs, which can take the form of consumer research, product assessment and social validation. Sometimes these costs are monetary, but more often they involve time, effort and anxiety, and it is this which we seek to help resolve through our advertising and sponsorship services.

Editorial Policy

Fintel is a forum for the development, exchange and dissemination of original research, ideas and opinions on finance, financial services, and economics. It is multi media, operating through various publishing platforms including print, visual and online media, and events, for example conferences, covering topics such as international financial services, aircraft leasing, pan European pensions, securitisation, market-based finance, covered bonds, corporate banking and treasury, financial shared services and outsourcing, investment funds & asset management, reinsurance, specialty insurance, international life assurance.

It is the leading financial services publisher in Ireland, and its publications have been central to the emergence of the jurisdiction as an international financial centre. Its conferences have featured some of the most influential international figures in financial services, taxation and regulation. Its awards are recognised as amongst the most prestigious, for example its annual Deals of the Year Awards.


We are committed in our publications to balanced discourse in ideas and we seek to publish objective research and information, noting Francis Bacon's observation that "It cannot be that axioms established by argumentation can suffice for the discovery of new works, for the subtlety of nature exceedeth many times over the subtlety of argument" ( Francis Bacon, Novum Organon). This 'Enlightenment' philosophy places emphasis on 'evidence based' economics and finance research, a hallmark of our approach.

Personnel & Contributors:
Publisher & CEO: Ken O'Brien
Sales Manager: Martina Bermingham
Technology Manager: Mark McKillen
Production Editor: Dustin O'Neill
Design & Graphics Manager: Cathy McKenna
Finance Director: Valerie Hannigan
Contributing Editor: John Stanley
Contributing Editor, Aviation Finance: Joe Gill
Insurance Correspondent: John Lyons
Contributing Editor: Keith Boyfield
Events Manager: Tom Williams
Photography: Peter Houlihan

Fintel Limited, Fintel House, 6 The Mall, Beacon Court, Dublin 18, Ireland.

Registered no 169700 Ireland; Vat registration no 6569700H; Telephone: 353 1 293 0566 Fax: 353 1 293 0560

E-mail: editorial@fintel.org

Website: Fintel

In publishing content relating to quoted securities, Fintel and its employees subscribe to a voluntary code of conduct which includes recognition of the principles relating to publications and publishing organisations in the European Union's MIFID ('The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive' - 2004/39/EC).

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